
Just over five weeks ago, I started writing my blog. Since then, almost 1000 visitors have read what I have written. It is so amazing to me that people want to read what I have to say. For many years I have been keeping a journal. My journal is deeply personal. I write about what happens in my every day life, my thoughts, my feelings, my joys, my hurts and sometimes I write about strangers. I see people on the subway, at the grocery store, in cars next to me and I imagine what their story is. I describe with written words, what they look like, what they are wearing and how they act. Then, I imagine why they act or look the way they do.

My blog is similar to my journal but different. The blog is still pretty personal. I write about what is on my mind and what I see in my every day life. I still write about my family and my friends and strangers I see in public, but don’t lay my feelings as bare in the blog as I do in my journal, though. Don’t get me wrong, I am nervous every time, I hit that publish button. I am scared every time Facebook and Twitter publish the link to my new writing. My breath no longer gets caught in my throat when I watch my husband read what I have written. I do care what he thinks, mostly because I want him to be proud of me.

Blogs are a lot like Christmas letters. Some people love them and some people hate them. I love Christmas letters because I like reading about what is happening in my friends’ and families’ lives. I know that some people hate them because they think people are just bragging about their lives and their perfect children. Well, my children aren’t perfect, but I am happy with my life. I try to make the best out of what I am given and strive to make things better. Writing this blog is making things better for me. I have always wanted to write. I am writing and people are reading what I write. I want to thank you all for encouraging me and motivating me to push myself each time I write and publish.

Look at me
Don’t look at me
I’m important
I’m nobody
Flip sides
The same coin
One person
Two identities
What you see
What I want you to see
I need you
I don’t need anybody